The Property Care Association highlight flooding resilience


This year’s Property Care Association trade show aims to highlight the flooding resilience of houses to protect against water damage

Resistance to flood damage is the major topic for debate at this year’s Property Care Association trade show in Warwick. Conventional flood protection measures are primarily concerned with preventing homes from getting flooded in the first instance.

In significant flood-prone areas, even extensive engineering solutions such as drainage ditches cannot remove the chance of flooding. In these instances diverting efforts to make buildings less susceptible to water damage is often a more effective and less expensive solution.

New methods to limit water damage

Such methods to improve flooding resilience promoted by the PCA include: replacing standard gypsum plaster with one of the alternative types that do not absorb water (such as a cement render) and using ceramic or stone tiles with waterproof adhesive and grout. Moving all services such as boilers high up on the wall along with electric sockets, and using kitchens which can be cleaned, dried and reused using materials such as marine ply or steel, can also speed up recovery works.  The fitting of a membrane to walls and floors, so any water can run behind it to be collected in a sump/pump unit, rather than entering the property, is another effective measure.

The Property Care Association Chief Executive, Steve Hodgson said: “Flood resilience relates to any measures which reduce the time between the point the building is flooded and the point where the occupant can get back to the enjoyment of their property.

“The question for UK property professionals to address is what makes a product, design or feature a resilient measure and how can we recognise it.”

More information on flood protection and flood resilience can be found via the PCA website

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