New resource captures social value created through construction


The Considerate Constructors Scheme has created a new resource aimed at capturing the social value created through construction…

The Considerate Constructors Scheme has created a new simple way to report on the social value created through the sector. The resource will be available for all scheme registered sites, companies and suppliers.

Building Social Value was developed in conjunction with a number of construction firms and industry clients, including Basildon Borough Council, Kier Group, Land Securities Group, and Morgan Sindall.

Monitors from the Scheme will visit construction sites to record the social value created. This will be done using a Social Value Monitoring Checklist, which will then be used to produce a Building Social Value report.

Firms will be able to demonstrate their commitment to create social value by displaying Building Social Value posters.

The construction industry has been focused on creating social value since the government’s Social Value Act came into force in 2013. The Act, which applies to the public sector, has also been taken up by a number of private clients.

Considerate Constructors Scheme Chief Executive Edward Hardy said: “Construction activity produces huge amounts of social value for local communities, the local economy and the environment.

“It is, however, difficult to define, capture and report on this value creation. Building Social Value will provide construction, clients and the public with a much-needed understanding of the extent to which a particular construction project has created opportunities for long-term social value.”

Clive Johnson, Group Head of Health and Safety at Land Securities commented: “We greatly value this service, as do our extensive supply chain.

“It gives us a cost effective and independent means of measuring social value from our many developments across the UK.

“I would recommend all clients to take advantage of this facility if they wish to play a leading role in delivering the best possible social value to the communities they conduct their businesses within.”

Basildon Borough Council Asset Strategy Manager Daniel Greenwood added: “Social value plays a central role in all our procurement activity and having a consistent and robust way to measure outcomes has been a constant challenge.

“Building Social Value really adds confidence that projects are delivering on our promises to the community.”


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