Rg+p develop proposals for Nuneaton town centre regeneration

Nuneaton town centre regeneration
Impressions and indicative views of rg+p’s proposed scheme in Nuneaton town centre as seen from Bridge Street, George Eliot Memorial Gardens, River Anker and an aerial perspective.

Rg+p has developed planning proposals for the Nuneaton town centre regeneration, which will include new homes, workspaces, public green space and improved riverside connections

The brownfield site has plans to be redeveloped into an area that will include 19 family homes and apartments, four live work units and 800m² office space together with extensive landscaping and new public realm.

Nuneaton town centre regeneration will provide a sustainable new neighbourhood

Ben Walton, rg+p’s design director, commented: “The impact of the pandemic on town centres across the UK has exacerbated decline and deepened existing problems.

“Our intention is to reverse this pattern in Nuneaton and provide a sustainable new neighbourhood that will attract residents, business owners and visitors. The site’s location adjacent the riverside presented a real opportunity.

“Our design principles therefore focused on re-establishing pedestrian movement along here together with reconnecting the town centre and memorial gardens by extending the park onto the high street, creating a new gateway and improving overall visibility.”

The proposed homes include a mix of terrace, courtyard and mews designs with two gateway buildings marking a new entrance point from Bridge Street.

Commercial space in the form of live work and office space is positioned along the ground floor to retain an active street frontage.

House types are designed to appeal to individuals, couples and families and include one-four bedroom layouts.

The development will act as a catalyst for regeneration

Dawn Dawson, director for regeneration and housing at Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council stated: “This site forms part of the wider Transforming Nuneaton masterplan and we hope it will act as a catalyst for further positive regeneration within the town centre, especially uniting families with local businesses and attractions. rg+p’s ambitious design seeks to create a genuine landmark within the townscape, not only in terms of high-quality homes and places of work but in re-establishing our connections with nature and opening the riverside.”

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