50 companies appointed to £3.6bn National Highways renewals deal

scheme delivery framework
M5 Oldbury Viaduct renewal scheme

National Highways has appointed 50 supply chain partners to deliver up to £3.6bn worth of renewals to England’s motorways and major A roads

This work is awarded as part of National Highways’ new six-year Scheme Delivery Framework (SDF).

The framework will enable the delivery of renewals across a range of activities, including substantial civils work on barriers and drainage, traffic management activities and design services for a range of projects.

The Scheme Delivery Framework replaces the soon to expire existing contract mechanisms, known as the Construction Works Framework (CWF), Design Services Contracts (DSC) and Asset Support Contract (ASC).

The framework is split into four bands:

  • Band A – Civil engineering and drainage
  • Band B – Temporary traffic management and road restraint systems
  • Band C – Specialist works
  • Band D – Design.

Within each band there are between two and seven lots. The lots are then subdivided into geographically focused sublots.

Award values for the 50 suppliers vary between £1m and £144m, highlighting how the framework enables SMEs to operate side by side with larger companies.

‘A new way to keep the country’s roads in top condition’

Duncan Smith, acting executive director for operations at National Highways, said: “Today’s announcement marks the start of a new way to keep the country’s motorways and major A-roads in top condition by delivering the largest and most comprehensive renewals programme we have ever embarked on.

“The Scheme Delivery Framework will allow us to deliver these vital activities, ensuring the Strategic Road Network remains safe and serviceable, so road users can continue enjoying the benefits of smooth, reliable journeys.”

This new approach enables a diverse pool of suppliers of all sizes to work directly with National Highways.

Approximately 23% of the overall Scheme Delivery Framework value has been awarded to SMEs.

Social value was inherent throughout the procurement process, key themes include:

  • Helping local communities to recover from the impact of Covid-19
  • Creating new businesses, new jobs and new skills
  • Tackling workforce inequality.

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