Soft Landings Conference will focus on delivering value


This year’s BSRIA 2017 Soft Landings Conference will take place in June and will concentrate on how the process can improve performance

Soft Landings is an importance part of any building project. The delivery process aids with closing the performance gap between design intentions and operational outcomes by providing a guide for clients to follow.

This year, BSRIA will stage its 2017 Soft Landings Conference on the 16 June at RIBA headquarters in London. This will be the second event and follows the success of the inaugural conference.

The event will be held on 16 June at RIBA headquarters, London and will bring together clients and construction professional to discuss the soft landings process. The conference is titled ‘Delivering value through soft landings’ and will provide insight into the process from the perspective of an investor as well as examining the Integrated Project Insurance (IPI).

The conference will also provide case studies of projects that successfully used soft landings and will comprise of a special section on BSRIA’s plans for the future of the field.

Soft landings offers efficiency

Speaking about the upcoming conference, BSRIA’s Soft Landings Operational Lead Dr Michelle Agha-Hossein said: “If you are a client or a construction professional who is keen to deliver sustainable and healthy buildings – this conference is for you!

“In the past, delivering a new building on time and on budget were the only measures of success. Today – success is ultimately measured on how a building performs in reality and meets the end users’ needs. Soft Landings is the process that runs through a project from inception to completion and beyond to ensure the final product performs as originally intended and meets the end users’ expectations. If Soft Landings is adopted properly – there is no reason why a building should suffer from performance gap.

“This conference will feature a range of different practical examples to show how projects benefited from Soft Landings. You will hear from an investors’ point of view as well as case studies from the clients and designers.

“There will be plenty of networking opportunities and ‘Q&A’. So if you are a client, architect, designer, engineer, facilities manager or project manager, and would like to know more about Soft Landings, and how your project can benefit from it, we urge you to book on!”

Morning session

9.30 Registration

10.00 Welcome: Julia Evans, CEO, BSRIA

10.05 Introduction: Lynne Ceeney, Technical Director, BSRIA

10.15 Keynote speaker: Peter Clegg MA (Cantab) MEnvD, RIBA

10.30 Soft Landings from the investor’s perspective: Better Buildings Partnership (BBP)

10.55 Soft Landings: Contractual matters: David Rintoul, Head of Construction & Environmental Law, ClarksLegal

11.05 Coffee / tea break

11.25 Soft Landings & alternative procurement methods (Integrated Project Insurance (IPI)): Kevin Thomas, Managing Director, Integrated Project Initiatives Ltd

11.50 Case study 1: Dr Stephen Holmes, Head of Capital Development Projects, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB)

12.15  Panel Q&A

12.30  Lunch & networking

Afternoon session

13.30 Case study 2: Daniel Davies,Commissioning Manager, Cardiff Commissioning Ltd

13.55 Case study 3: Kevin Couling, Regional Director, AECOM

14.20 Panel Q&A

14.45 Coffee / tea break

15.00 Soft Landings going forward: Lynne Ceeney

15.20 Summary

15.30 Close


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