The UK’s mobility sector must be sustainable, says Amey

uk's mobility sector, sustainable

A paper published by Amey Investments highlights key challenges associated with the UK’s mobility sector and suggests ways in which the UK could develop a more enriched sector that is sustainable and delivers social value

The UK’s mobility sector includes embracing electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs), mobility as a service, electric vehicle technology and integrated transport systems.

Technology-rich, data-driven and fast-paced, the sector is expected to transform all our lives. Yet, there are challenges that could potentially halt progress to achieving a sustainable sector.

According to Amey, there is a lack of joined-up public policy from central Government despite progress in the technologies underpinning mobility. There is uncertainty in the private sector about its role in investing in mobility.

The potential of mobility technologies to exclude people who are less affluent or technology-savvy must not be ignored.

Innovators including SMEs need to be able to trial technologies in a safe environment and the UK needs people with the right skills and expertise to deliver the mobility-enabled UK.

Asif Ghafoor, managing director at Amey Investments, said: “The challenges ahead are daunting but the potential for good infrastructure to tackle the climate emergency, create social value and support technology-rich SMEs and social enterprises has never been greater.

“No one has all the answers, so the public and private sectors need to work together to solve the big challenges posed by 21st Century mobility needs.”

To improve the UK’s mobility sector, Amey Investments calls for:

  • The ability of local and city authorities to shape their mobility strategies according to their own cities’ and towns’ needs.
  • Clear revenue models for investors to be developed that also work for local authorities.
  • Commitment by decision-makers that technology-rich infrastructure must not exclude people from society based on their income, age or abilities.
  • Acknowledgement of the significant value that mobility data holds and therefore the need to protect it and make it available on a commercial basis only.
  • Commitment in the private sector to attract and retain the people with the skills and ideas to maintain the mobility revolution.

Ghafoor added: “The reward to us as individuals, to businesses, to people delivering public services and to all of society for getting a data and technology-driven mobility sector working well is immense.

“All of us want less congested towns and cities, clean, healthy air and more sustainable means of getting about. All this is within our grasp, yet we risk it all if action isn’t taken now to tackle head on the pressing challenges faced.”

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