Turley will deliver Croydon masterplan


The London Borough of Croydon has appointed planning consultancy firm Turley to deliver its Fair Field Hall masterplan…

Planning consultancy Turley will develop and submit a hybrid planning application for a project aimed at delivering its Fair Field Hall masterplan. The firm was appointed by the London Borough of Croydon.

The scheme, which will be located in the College Green area of Croydon, will comprise of a full-scale refurbishment of the arts, entertainment, and conference centre Fairfield Halls.

The scheme will see the building’s commercial capabilities transformed, but will remain sympathetic to the original design and heritage.

Part of the design will see the foyer space enhanced and enlarged with a frontage on College Green. The design will also see a complete mechanical and electrical refit, as well as improvements to disabled access.

Additionally, work will include improving the venue’s sound insulation to maintain the acoustics and enhance the concert hall’s stage facilities, as well as backstage access. It is hoped these changes will enable larger and more diverse productions.

The development forms part of a wider project aimed at encompassing the entire city block. This will enable the scheme to provide a route to and from College Green and East Croydon rail station. This will connect visitors with landmarks such as Queens Garden, the clocktower, Surrey Street, and the retail centre of the town.

The scheme will include the provision of shops, restaurants, residential accommodation, and community and business spaces.

Lead on the project Sarah Stevens, of Turley said: “This is a truly exciting project that will transform the Fair Field Halls and College Green area of Croydon and have a wider impact on the borough.

“We are delighted to be part of the project team and look forward to taking the scheme forward.”


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