West Lothian gives go-ahead for 280 new homes

new houses, west lothian, planning permission,

Planning permission has been granted for 280 new houses to be built on land south east of Murieston Road, on Wellhead Farm

West Lothian Council has granted planning permission for 280 new houses to be built on land south east of Murieston Road, on Wellhead Farm

The majority of the new houses will be detached, with 141 four bedroom properties and 69 five bed homes. Affordable housing makes up 25% of the Murieston Road development which will be a mix of social rented and low to mid-market housing for sale, some of which will be shared equity. Bellway Homes and Walker Group are set to develop the scheme.

Two linked areas of parkland are proposed to run through the centre of the site, as part of a pedestrian route giving access through the site between a new bus stop on Murieston Road and the countryside on the boundary of the site. The areas of open space will contain play equipment. The layout is in accordance with West Lothian’s Development Plan and guidance and includes a green, tree-lined edge to the site along Murieston Road.

The open space and pathway links will provide a connection to the Murieston Trail and the Linhouse Circular footpath networks for existing Murieston residents as well as the new residents.

140 letters of representation were received, most objecting to the principle of development. However, the Scottish Government’s Planning and Environment Appeals Division was granted in principle in February 2018. West Lothian Council has now granted detailed planning permission.

The council’s Transportation Service is satisfied that the improvements which the developer has agreed to carry out on Murieston Road and at the a71 New Park roundabout, the local road network will be able to accommodate additional traffic. The developer is required to carry out the road improvements prior to the first homes being occupied.

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