BBA HAPAS certification awarded to Flex MSE Vegetated Wall System

Flex MSE Vegetated Wall System Before During & After

Gravitas International has received certification by the British Board of Agrément (BBA) for its Flex MSE Vegetated Wall System

Flex MSE Vegetated Wall System is a carbon-negative alternative to gabion baskets and concrete in the construction industry. It’s longer-lasting, easier to install and completely disappears into the environment once vegetated, which can take a mere matter of weeks.

Manufactured with 50% recycled material and being 100% recyclable the Flex MSE Vegetated Wall System is perfect for vegetated retaining walls and erosion control and offers a direct replacement for gabion baskets and concrete solutions.

Only proprietary geosynthetic-based system to undergo the Life-Cycle Analysis

Flex MSE’s single product cradle-to-gate Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) puts it at the forefront of carbon-transparent products. Flex MSE is the only proprietary geosynthetic-based system globally to undergo the stringent Life-Cycle Analysis, and registered third-party verification process.

Jacob Sallon, managing director for Gravitas International (Master Distributors of the FLEX MSE System across UK, Ireland & Europe), said: “The process has taken nearly 4 years of extensive product testing, factory assessments and site visits and is the only vegetated/living retaining wall system with certification of this integrity!

“We design, manufacture and distribute our innovative range of products globally and it is a great honour to finally be recognised by BBA and National Highways for our dedication and commitment to providing the most environmentally friendly and sustainable products on the market.”

Flex MSE Vegetated Wall System awarded HAPAS certification

HAPAS was created by BBA, National Highways and Country Surveyors Society to develop national approval assessments, testing and certification for innovative products, materials and systems for use in highways and related areas. The scheme was created to offer clear and consistent testing methods for products and systems in use across UK highways, ensuring that they comply with all relevant regulations and standards.

The Flex MSE Vegetated Wall Systemconsists of 2 primary components, the GTX Geotextile Bag and interlocking plate. Using MSE (mechanically stabilised earth) principles along with geotextile technology, the combination of nonwoven Flex MSE bags and patented interlocking gripper plates allows for strong and easy-to-install geo-modular block structures.

It can be installed with certified installers, with the added benefit of offering free on-site training for clients wishing to use their own contractors.

The Flex MSE System is also:

  • NHBC approved
  • BREEAM compatible
  • Typically only requires a 300mm foundation
  • BBA Certified
  • Installed by hand in less than 2/3 of the time compared to traditional systems
  • Typically costs up to 60% compared to traditional systems
  • “Recommended for use on SSSIs” by the Environment Agency
  • Anechoic
  • Low Carbon (EPD Available)
  • It also offers a 120 year design life which is suitable for use in and out of water applications.

Typical applications include:

  • Retaining walls
  • Riverbank/coastline erosion repairs
  • Landscaping features
  • Root ball stabilisation
  • Ditch lining & slope cladding
  • Culvert headwalls
  • Acoustic barriers

“Our goal is to provide unrivalled and unparalleled support to our clients, with a focus on high-quality sustainable products that Gravitas International has provided for over the past 40 years”. said Rosie Birkett, head of sales for Gravitas International.

The first BBA-Certificated product

“We are happy to say that the Flex MSE system is the best on the market. The Flex MSE system can be built with no minimum height restrictions, with the ability to install horizontal vegetated retaining walls up to 90 degrees. You will also be saving a staggering 60% in costings and installation when choosing the Flex MSE system over alternative methods like Gabion baskets.

“We worked closely with Trexiana and the BBA to provide a substantial amount of product and test data, to develop an assessment protocol suitably robust and pertinent to fully evaluate what is the first BBA-Certificated product that combines geotextile bags with interlocking plates.”

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