Timber sector calls for the industry to “stand together”


In response to the Brexit vote the timber sector has called for the industry to stand together and not allow politics to divide it…

Representative bodies in the timber sector have called for the industry to “stand together” in the wake of the Thursday’s vote.

Chief executive of the Structural Timber Association (STA) said: “[The] referendum announcement will undoubtedly raise concerns for the structural timber industry and the construction sector as a whole.

“There will be a period of uncertainty and adjustment, but this is not a time to let divisions of political ideology split us.

“Instead, we must continue to relentlessly work towards our common goal – to grow the structural timber frame sector and promote the inherent benefits that structural timber frame as a building material offers.

“Now is the time for the structural timber industry to stand resolutely together and seek to embrace any opportunities that this change may bring.”

The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) said companies should ensure they are well informed and prepared to assess potential risks following the vote.

Chief executive Iain McIlwee said: “But for the ongoing management and strategic decision making that is still needed on a day-to-day basis in the joinery manufacturing and woodworking industry, what matters now is that firms are well informed and well prepared to assess risk.

“From that position of preparedness, businesses will be able to ride through the inevitable period of change ahead with greater confidence and optimism.

“Some of the risks will be immediate, such as fluctuating currency.

“The impact on material and component imports must be factored into estimates and companies must ensure they are not caught out on projects that they have already quoted on, but materials have not been secured.

“Some are longer term and the force of the impact will depend very much on how our government reacts. Government must set aside petty squabbling and personal ambition and unite cross-party to end the period of uncertainty as soon as possible and start creating this new future we have been promised.”

A freely available risk matrix will be available on the BWF’s website.


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