
PublicationsBIM Today June 2022

BIM Today June 2022

Welcome to the BIM Today June 2022 edition. When the government launched the Construction Playbook, it made accelerating the development and use of platform approaches a core policy objective

In our cover story, Construction Innovation Hub director Keith Waller says the publication of the Product Platform Rulebook marks a new era of innovation for the sector by setting out “the what, why and how” of product platforms.

We also take a look at the first phase of the LEXiCON Project, a collaboration between the Hub and the Construction Products Association, which seeks to standardise construction product information.

Ian Risk of the Centre for Modelling & Simulation discusses the critical role of simulation in creating digital twins that can help to address two key issues simultaneously – the housing shortage and the drive to net zero.

Meanwhile, Brian Hills, CEO of The Data Lab, Scotland’s innovation centre for data and artificial intelligence, looks at the role of AI in tackling the climate crisis and the development of a new tool to help housing associations and developers to make properties more energy efficient.

The Building Safety Bill passed into law in April after months of debate and amendment. Dr Graham Kelly of BIM Academy and Allan Binns, safety director at Ryder Architecture, examine the new act and how it will impact the built environment.

There is much more besides, looking at everything from BIM’s role in demonstrating credible sustainability strategies and how it is making waves in the design and build sector to the importance of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for gender equality in tech.

Here’s a selection of articles in this issue:

  1. The what, why and how of product platforms in construction

The Product Platform Rulebook publication marks new era of collaboration and innovation for construction sector in the UK.

  1. LEXiCON: Creating trustworthy and reliable digital construction product information

The LEXiCON project, developed by the Construction Innovation Hub in partnership with the Construction Products Association, has taken a significant step towards a common approach to construction product information.

  1. The housing demand for simulation

Ian Risk from the Centre for Modelling & Simulation explores the critical role that simulation plays in creating digital twins and enabling the construction sector to meet the demands of our changing world.

  1. Tackling the climate crisis through AI

Brian Hills, CEO of The Data Lab, Scotland’s innovation centre for data and AI, discusses the role of AI in tackling the climate crisis and the development of a new tool that will help housing associations and developers to make their properties more energy efficient.

  1. What immediate change can we expect from the introduction of the Building Safety Act?

BIM Today recently spoke to Dr Graham Kelly, director at BIM Academy, and Allan Binns, safety director at Ryder Architecture, about the new Building Safety Act and how this will change the built environment landscape.

  1. Can construction verification help to seed collaboration?

Harnessing technology to verify construction progress on-site could break down adversarial silo working and foster greater cooperation across the industry, says Robert Klaschka, founding member of the Construction Verification Initiative and principal consultant at EvrBilt.

  1. Is your construction IT team ready for digital transformation?

With the industry at the mercy of intense global competition for construction IT talent, Walter Hume of Rimini Street discusses the potential impacts on digital transformation.

  1. Is design and build ready for BIM?

This widespread adoption of the BIM process and its associated technologies within the top tier of UK construction companies has created a digital transformation revolution within the industry in recent years – it is now making waves within the design and build sector. Alex Turner, group BIM manager at Oktra, takes a look.

  1. The role of simulation technology in digital twins

The latest webinar hosted by AMC Bridge saw a panel of experts explore the role of some simulation technology in the accurate modelling of products, systems and processes.

  1. Sustainability, gender equality and BIM

Rebecca De Cicco, global chair for Women in BIM and principal, digital enablement at Aurecon explains the importance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for gender equality and BIM.

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