
Hertfordshire Building Control

Hertfordshire Building Control

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About Hertfordshire Building Control

Hertfordshire Building Control (HBC) is on a mission to lead the building compliance process, ensuring customers and communities benefit from safe and sustainable buildings

HBC fosters collaborative engagement with a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners seeking property extensions to local agents and builders involved in small to medium-scale developments, as well as national construction industry professionals constructing cutting-edge science parks that mold our future.

This collective effort is meticulously executed through specialised plan checking and inspection teams, ensuring the fulfilment of our overarching objective.

Delivering social value and exceeding safety standards

Our vision is anchored in prioritising compliance within the construction industry, fostering improved building safety and mitigating environmental risks. This commitment becomes increasingly crucial amidst the ongoing transformations in the UK regulatory system and construction standards, through the landscape of the Building Safety Act. HBC’s vision and values align seamlessly with the dynamic changes at the forefront of the industry.

Central to our ethos is the recognition that we operate not merely for profit but for the greater public good. As such, we acknowledge the importance of developing our people both as a business and as a social imperative. Our people deliver for us, so our focus is on them.

We provide steadfast support, encouragement, and inspiration to ensure they realise their full potential, delivering the highest standard of service on behalf of our clients and the end-users of the buildings under our control.

No project too big or too small- or too complex

HBC excels in managing a wide spectrum of projects, spanning from residential extensions to intricate industrial schemes, sports stadiums, educational facilities, and healthcare buildings.

Our capabilities extend to national housebuilders, encompassing projects of various scales and types. While our inspectors are strategically stationed throughout Hertfordshire, our collaboration with the LABC partnership scheme allows us to extend our expertise to neighbouring counties. Additionally, our reach knows no bounds; we can review design plans wherever you may be in the country.

For our clients engaged in larger projects, our Major Projects team stands ready to offer comprehensive support and advice through RIBA Stages 2 and 3. Think of us as your critical friend in this journey, committed to ensuring compliance, safety, and excellence.

Experience seamless service delivery with a network of inspectors at your disposal. A simple call at the outset of your day ensures a same-day visit where an application is in place, underscoring our dedication to seamless service delivery. Partner with HBC to elevate your building control experience to new heights.

Services that Hertfordshire Building Control offers include:

  • Pre-application consultation on design proposals
  • Facilitating meetings for clients with other partners such as council service providers or Fire and Rescue services
  • Advising clients on compliance issues
  • Operating within the LABC Partner Authority scheme to support partner clients on schemes in England and Wales
  • Checking of Building Regulations applications for compliance
  • Site inspections at work stages to check for compliance up to completion
  • A full range of additional allied services such as warranty, air testing, sound testing, energy calculations etc
  • A 24/7 readiness to deal with emergency dangerous structures incidents in Herts.
  • Regulation of demolitions under the Building Act
  • Representation on national industry groups covering building control matters

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