Secured by Design - Reducing crime by good design
Secured by Design is the official police security initiative that is owned by the UK Police Service
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About Secured by Design
Secured by Design is the official police security initiative that is owned by the UK Police Service
The housing boom of the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s, led to homes being built quickly and cheaply, often with little consideration given to security. Crime increased significantly, particularly burglary. In response, the Police Service set up SBD in 1989 and since then SBD has built up a wealth of experience promoting crime prevention and security – constantly adapting the advice to keep pace with changing patterns of criminal behaviour.
As a national crime prevention scheme, SBD has influenced national planning policy to embed crime prevention in the planning process and established police security standards in the building and construction industry.
Working closely with builders, developers, local authorities and registered housing associations to incorporate its police crime prevention standards into developments from initial concept and design, through to construction and completion, SBD seeks to improve the security of buildings and their immediate surroundings to provide safe places to live, work, shop and visit.
Over one million homes and commercial properties have been built across the UK to SBD standards with reductions in crime of up to 87% year on year as reported by Police Scotland. A number of local authorities have even gone so far as to introduce SBD standards as a planning requirement.
SBD Development Awards
Developers around the UK can achieve SBD awards for incorporating crime prevention measures and techniques into their developments in all kinds of building sectors, such as residential, education, health, transport, commercial, retail, sport and leisure.
These awards are gained by working with SBD’s specially trained police Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs), who advise architects, developers and local authority planners long before construction begins – and continue to provide advice and guidance until the development is complete. This service is provided free of charge.
SBD Design Guides
SBD has produced a series of authoritative Design Guides to assist the building, design and construction industry to incorporate security into developments to comply with the Building Regulations in England, Scotland and Wales and meet the requirements of SBD.
These Design Guides have been updated over the years to keep pace with changing patterns of criminal behaviour and advances in building design and new technology.
They are a valuable source of reference to architects, developers, self-builders, local authority planners and police officers and cover a range of building sectors, including residential, education, health, transport and commercial. They are available for download for free at
Interactive 3D Design Guide
SBD has, in collaboration with an architecture and graphic design studio, created a 3D virtual toolkit for planners, architects, surveyors, and anyone involved with designing, building and commissioning developments. It helps to build an understanding of security in developments and highlight best practice solutions. The interactive guides available in this toolkit are based on SBD’s residential, commercial and schools guides.
A series of scenarios, such as the layout of communal spaces, use of lighting, perimeter security and landscape planting, highlight the design decisions that could increase the risk of crime and anti-social behaviour. Each scene has an alternative solution detailing the relevant standards recommended by SBD and the police service.
The interactive 3D virtual toolkit can be found at
National Building Approval
SBD’s National Building Approval (NBA) scheme makes it easier for companies and organisations commissioning new build developments or major refurbishment work to meet SBD’s police security standards or achieve Building Regulation compliance for security in England, Scotland and Wales, whichever is appropriate. The scheme can apply to any building sector.
– SBD carry out the administration, checking that basic levels of security are being incorporated into standard property types and ensuring companies in the supply chain are providing products, like doors and windows, which meet SBD standards.
– By removing a significant administrative burden from NBA member companies, valuable time and money are saved because due to the faster and simplified process to reach SBD standards.
– A NBA member can build anywhere in the UK safe in the knowledge that police concerns for crime prevention have been met. SBD issues a ‘Silver Certificate’ to recognise physical security standards have been achieved to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, however many NBA members choose to aspire to a Gold Certificate, which recognises that crime prevention measures are not only built into the physical security of buildings but also into the surrounding layout and landscaping too.
NBA is for developers, builders and contractors, as well as organisations like local authorities, housing associations and social landlords. Many of SBD member companies are household name residential developers, with one of the largest local authorities in Europe becoming the first local authority to join the scheme in 2018.
Find out more at
Architects & Town Planners
Architects and Town Planners can request a professional development session on crime prevention and designing out crime from SBD.
The presentation content includes relevant legislation, policy and guidance; an overview of property crime trends; an evaluation of why crime occurs and an introduction to SBD. To request a Continuing Professional Development presentation contact:
Product based accreditation scheme
SBD has worked with businesses, the construction industry and standards authorities at home and abroad for many years, leading SBD to develop a product based police accreditation scheme over 20 years ago – the Police Preferred Specification.
Products that have met the Police Preferred Specification provide reassurance to the specifier, purchaser or user that their products have been independently tested to a relevant security standard and fully certified by an independent third-party certification body recognised by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), or tested and certified by an alternative approved body such as Sold Secure or Thatcham.
The SBD focus is on the critical factors that combine to deliver a product’s performance – design, use, quality control and the ability to deter or prevent crime. Better quality means these products last longer too, making them more cost effective and leading to greater sustainability in crime prevention.
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Tel: 0203 8623 999
1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street,
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