
The Met Office - Weather services for building project managers

The Met Office is the National Meteorological Service for the UK and one of the world’s foremost climate and weather service providers

About Met Office

The Met Office is the National Meteorological Service for the UK and one of the world’s foremost climate and weather service providers

There is a well-established acceptance that relevant weather and climate information is vital for health and safety and operational efficiency on the UK’s building projects – weather can have a huge impact, such as costly delays and risks to personnel.

Met Office - Weather and construction

The Met Office has a breadth of experience in the building and construction sector and works closely with the industry on a daily basis, to understand which weather scenarios have the most impact and what information it can provide to help the achievement of business project goals.

It offers a range of weather and climate services to support building projects from the project planning stage, throughout project delivery, and even for project analysis.

At the planning stage, prior to any work commencing on site, The Met Office can provide clear and independent weather and advice, allowing project managers to understand the weather they may reasonably expect throughout the year; it can also advise on what the effects of climate change might be on site, helping to insure the long-term resilience of the project. Once projects are live, they provide bespoke forecasts and alerts, as well as providing advice and guidance from the team of operational meteorologists.

Recent Met Office research demonstrates that we are seeing an increased frequency of extreme weather events. With Met Office weather services, it can improve your awareness and help reduce the impact of such events. According to the Office of National Statistics, the annual expenditure on construction is now over £109,387m, so even a small proportional saving could represent huge value.

For more information watch our short video below and visit our website.


As one of PBC Today’s stakeholders, The Met Office offers invaluable insight into weather services for building project managers.

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