Two landlords from Cardiff have been fined over £20,000 for lack of fire safety and building regulation compliance in their properties

Rowshanara Begum and Lawford Cunningham failed to comply with the new standards in their properties, leaving housing inspectors “shocked”.

Cardiff Council said the housing inspector found a “catalogue of failings” at the properties relating to a lack of basic fire safety measures, including:

  • Faulty or no fire alarms
  • Defective fire doors that did not fit in the frame correctly
  • Doors off their hinges
  • Unsafe electrical installations
  • Poorly maintained communal escape routes
  • A lack of fire protection.

The landlords suffered severe financial losses as a result of negligence

Landlords have a legal duty to comply with fire safety regulations to keep tenants and property safe from the risk of fire, smoke, and carbon monoxide, according to the Housing Act (2004) and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (2005).

How can landlords comply with fire and building safety regulations?

  • Installing working smoke alarms on each storey of the building
  • Providing a working carbon monoxide alarm in any room with a fixed fuel-burning appliance
  • Ensuring there is an evacuation plan for tenants
  • Keeping escape routes and fire exits clear
  • Making sure any supplied furniture and furnishings are fire retardant.

Additional measures for HMOs and shared housing may include:


  • Providing fire extinguishers and fire blankets
  • Conducting annual fire risk assessments
  • Adding wayfinding signage to ensure safe evacuation
  • Provide fire door information for all residents
  • Following fire door regulations by installing certified fire doors with the necessary fire door hardware
  • Electrical inspection every five years by a qualified person.

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