Preventing issues and elevating safety standards with field management software


Compliance pressure comes from many directions – from regulatory changes to needing to scale up HSE operations as companies expand

Keeping up visibility with inconsistent practices, consistent violations, and alternating regulatory citations across different sites – plus inadequate reporting, incomplete logs, and staff indifferent to guidelines – only adds to that challenge.

Companies working across Re-flow’s field management sectors might be interested to know the many ways their software can help, whether that’s in:

  • Construction
  • Civil Engineering
  • Highways
  • Commercial Landscaping
  • Rail
  • Utilities

Re-flow as a solution for HSE and compliance headaches

Re-flow’s field management software includes multiple features to keep you compliant, eliminating the risk of fines, stoppages, wasted time, and incidents:

  • Working Time Directive & Rail Fatigue Index

The centralised application logs operatives’ work hours and blocks fatigued staff from being assigned to carry out activities, preventing over working and reduces the risk of incidents.

  • Skill allocation

Jobs only go live if they meet minimum requirements for scheduled skilled workers.

  • Lone Worker Check In

If operatives don’t check in to the app at a scheduled time, the app sends an alert, ensuring quick response if an issue arises while helping employers meet health and safety regulations.

  • Compulsory RAMs Sign Off

In-app rules mandate that digital documents need to be signed before the next step on the task list is opened.

  • Defect Reporting

When workers mark equipment and vehicles as defective, Re-flow triggers reports, messages, or notifications depending on a company’s needs, and can automatically remove the scheduled vehicle from the calendar.

  • Training and Qualification Notifications

Staff and admin are automatically notified if anything is out of date or expiring, ensuring every member of staff is ready to work.

  • Dynamic Risk forms, Toolbox Talks, HAVs, ISO, and Regulatory Compliant Forms

Filling out forms can be set up to trigger next steps and alerts, carving out huge parts of previously manual workflows.

  • Documents for Drug and Alcohol Screening

Elevating the safety culture of operations.

  • Last Known Location of Users

Know the last known locations of workers in real time, enabling faster response in emergencies, improving team co-ordination and ensuring compliance.

Feedback from Re-flow customers

From small businesses to enterprise, Re-flow clients are elevating their HSE processes with the app and dashboard (available on Android and Apple, and functional online and offline).


At a recent event, Jointline’s head of QSHE, Julie Davidson described some of Re-flow’s HSE benefits.

“One of the big things I needed to see was easier compliance. It makes me so happy. I can block anyone getting access to their timesheet and their pay now if they haven’t done their daily defect report, so I’m going to be even less popular than I am already!’

“But these things give me great joy that compliance is going to be improved. I’m already seeing how that’s going to be built in and the power that gives us.

“The other thing we’ve seen, where we have really pushed it with our near misses, we’ve seen reporting go up just ridiculous amounts, like 800%.

“Operatives can easily just click a photo there and then just do a couple of clicks. We get the data instantly. The second something comes in, five or six of us all see it around the business. I know that we’re going to be a lot more reactive.

“We’re going to be able to make data-driven decisions. Everything is based around data for us. We’re not going to do intuitive decisions.

“We can provide our clients with transparency and all the information that they ask us for. It’s just going to be at the click of a button. I expect a fully robust and far more efficient system to come in.”

MV Kelly

Elsewhere, Sarah Duffy, head of SHE at MV Kelly said: “Re-flow has impacted the culture massively because it’s made our sites more safety compliant. I think before operatives have always seen safety is a bit of a burden. But now Re-flow has made it easier to complete safety forms.

“They’ve now taken that on board more, even to the fact where they’re requesting forms to go on to Re-flow. Before, it was a piece of paper that they were doing as a tick exercise. Now they actually want more on site because they’re realising how it’s benefiting them as much as it’s benefiting us in the office.”

To discover more about the many benefits of Re-flow’s field management software, click here. 


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