Studio Tim Fu has revealed the 'world's first' fully AI-driven architectural project in Slovenia, developing six luxury villas on the Lake Bled Estate
©Studio Tim Fu

Studio Tim Fu (STF) has revealed the ‘world’s first’ fully AI-driven architectural project in Slovenia, developing six luxury villas on the Lake Bled Estate

The artificial intelligence(AI)-driven architectural project spans 22,000 square metres and will see the construction of six luxury villas and the restoration of Vila Epos, a villa originally designed in 1909 by revered Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik.

STF utilised AI-driven analysis to integrate Slovenian architectural motifs such as timber rizalit (vertical enclosures extending from facades) into contemporary designs.

AI was used to accelerate the creative proces

STF said that the use of AI for design optimisation, considering heritage concerns and balancing environmental factors as part of the process allowed their team to think more creatively, whilst ensuring that the final development is “as efficient, sustainable, and contextually sensitive as possible.”

Machine intelligence was used alongside the design team’s workflow to maximise key parameters like daylighting and room efficiency simultaneously.

©Studio Tim Fu

Bringing together siloed disciplines within architecture

“This is the first time AI has been this extensively embedded in the architectural process, from prototyping design to optimising for heritage and environment,” added Rada Daleva, project lead at Studio Tim Fu.

Speaking to Forbes, Tim Fu said that “this project demonstrates that AI-generated design doesn’t have to be abstract, chaotic, or impractical. When guided by architects, it can produce solutions that are contextually sensitive, structurally sound, and entirely executable.”

He also suggested that AI could “bridge the gaps and unify” the fragmented specialists working within architecture into a “seamless, real-time design-to-construction pipeline”.

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