TCW revolutionises asset and compliance management


The Compliance Workbook (TCW) is revolutionising the asset and compliance management arena, enabling data to be used more effectively and exhaustively to engage, inform, connect and bridge the gap between data and its real-world potential around genuinely actionable insights

The Compliance Workbook believes in moving away from what has been possible in the past, to what is possible now! Advancing technology to find alternative routes which are both efficient and, most importantly, improve safety. They have revolutionised asset and compliance management, not only extracting data and verifying certificates but by comprehending the compliance implications of the data. Releasing insight into organisations enables them to predict future events and make proactive risk-reducing decisions.

Compliance is at the top of everyone’s agenda and the industries in which specific compliance disciplines apply are changing rapidly, we need to ensure that the process around information management, and use, is in line with waves being created following the likes of Grenfell.

Even though assessing risk, and virulence over budgets, are more important (or should we say given more attention) than ever, organisations still struggle to use advanced techniques, failing to achieve the full potential of complete data management. They fall short of realising the strategic value that could be delivered.

The Compliance Workbook’s software

TCW’s intelligent software paints a complete picture of risk and compliance, freeing organisations from having to find issues and enabling them to spend the time, money and resource on solving them.

The unique and innovative software not only extracts data, but it also ‘unlocks’ the data within digital PDF documents which has historically been accepted as data that can’t be used due to the time and money constraints in gleaning it.

TCW’s data first technology enables clients to pinpoint areas of concern automatically, assess their entire asset register, re-deploy skilled engineers where they are required, switch off inefficient processes, and manage lifecycles and budgets proactively. It takes you beyond asking questions of your data and the process around needing more, to asking questions about your organisation’s whole lifecycle approach.

Relating 100% of the data within PDFs which model the physical entity of the installations allows complex calculations and forensic analysis, enabling Duty Holders to accurately predict future events and make accurate asset management decisions with clear direction for future investment strategies. It gives much more control over what can and should be done making the process proactive and efficient.

TCW is built upon innovative thinking. Founder Ryan Dempsey, FIET saw first-hand the lack of innovation within Social Housing to improve compliance safety, risk management, value for money and ultimately improving and saving lives throughout the country. This ‘thinking-outside-the-box’ mentality for improving processes has seen the evolution of this new asset and compliance management movement, which is committed to benefitting the whole Asset Management Network nationwide, and across multiple sectors.

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