How can collaboration enable more accuracy in BIM model checking?

Find out how greater integration improves BIM model checking in this webinar from Alex Garza of Dropbox and Ward Turkyeh of Verifi3d

Alex Garza and Ward Turkyeh will showcase how collaboration between Verifi3D and Dropbox has ensured consistency in BIM model checking

The collaboration between Dropbox and Verifi3D continues to bear fruit, as principal construction architect Alex Garza and customer success manager Ward Turkyeh will illustrate in an informative webinar on BIM model checking on 15th May 2023.

As BIM technology becomes more prevalent in the sector, the need for effective checking grows with it.

Collaboration with project teams will be more important than ever, especially for SMEs to react and adapt to the changing market landscape

Exploring the power of Verifi3D

In this online session, Alex and Ward will explore Verifi3D’s advanced parametric and geometric checks, combined with global content collaboration platform Dropbox and how they ensure accuracy and consistency in building design models.

Gain insights into the future of BIM model checking and collaboration and the role of Verifi3D and Dropbox in shaping it!

The webinar will cover topics such as:

  • Why choose Dropbox as a CDE?
  • Significance of data governance
  • How to automate Dropbox folders for better productivity?
  • Integrate Verifi3D and Dropbox to streamline collaboration between teams.
  • Synchronize .rvt and IFC files between Verifi3D and Dropbox.
  • Automate BIM model checking workflow.
  • Explore how to carry out clash detection within Dropbox.
  • Automate parametric and geometric validation.
  • Find out how to improve the quality of building data in real time in the cloud.


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