Secured by Design debuts Homes 2023 at ATLAS conference

Homes 2023 covers recent developments in security and criminal activity news

Homes 2023, Secured By Design’s updated guidance for domestic properties covering developments in security and criminal activity, was recently debuted at the ATLAS national training conference and exhibition

Homes 2023, which has been designed to cater for the security of all new and refurbished homes – including those for disabled and older people.

The report incorporates the latest security standards, developed to address emerging criminal methods of attack, and includes references to the Building Regulations and other statutory requirements across the United Kingdom.

This iteration of Secured by Design Homes applies to all SBD applications made after 1st March 2023.

Homes 2023 is part of a series of authoritative Design Guides produced by SBD

The Design Guides are a valuable source of reference to architects, developers, self-builders, local authority planners and police officers; covering a range of building sectors, including residential, education, health, transport and commercial.

The updated guidance was developed with police and independent researchers

Michael Brooke, Deputy Chief Operating Officer at Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, comments: “There have been some major changes from the Secured by Design Homes 2019 guide, with significant areas that have been changed including bicycle parking; doorsets and windows and their fitness for purpose (BS 6375); lift security (BS EN 81) and the introduction of PAS 24:2022.

“The requirements and recommendations within this guide are based upon academically sound research findings that have proven SBD to deliver significant crime reductions and cost efficiency savings for a wide range of stakeholders including local authorities, housing associations, landlords, residents and the police service. The police service continually re-evaluates the effectiveness of Secured by Design and responds to emerging crime trends and independent research findings, in conjunction with industry partners, as and when it is considered necessary and to protect the public from crime.

“The police service places great importance upon the need to build sustainable and inclusive communities and to raise awareness of the significant impact that low crime makes to the ongoing and long-term sustainability of a development. Should you wish to contribute to this or any of the SBD guides please contact Secured by Design by email at”.

You can view/download Homes 2023 for free here.

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