Residential Fire Protection Ltd explores the difference between some common fire safety myths and facts and how a sprinkler system can substantially reduce the risk of property damage and injury

  • Myth: Fire Sprinkler Systems cause water damage by accidental activation
  • Fact: The odds of an accidental discharge are around 1 in 16 million
  • Myth: In the event of a fire, all sprinkler heads activate
  • Fact: Only the sprinkler head(s) in the immediate vicinity of the fire activate
  • Myth: A smoke detector provides adequate protection from fire
  • Fact: Smoke detectors can save lives via a warning system, but do nothing to fight the spread of fire

Residential Sprinkler Systems can reduce property damage by 90%

Residential Sprinkler Systems are widely recognised as the single most effective method for fighting the spread of fire in its early stages, reducing injuries by at least 80% and property damage by 90%.

  • Only sprinkler heads in the immediate vicinity of the fire activate, causing minimal water damage
  • Residential Sprinkler Systems provide greater scope for architects when designing, allowing more freedom with open plan design
  • Residential Sprinkler Systems can be used as a compensatory feature in domestic settings, providing flexibility with other obligations from building control

Residential Fire Protection are here to help!

Residential Fire Protection have 30+ years combined experience in a variety of Residential Sectors including domestic single-family dwellings, apartments, sheltered and social housing and student accommodation.

As a BAFSA, FIRAS and SafeContractor accredited company, we demonstrate not only compliance, but accountability to the top industry standards.


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