[VIDEO] Time to Talk ep. 2 – Interview with Paul Ferguson: Poor mental health in construction


In the second episode of Time to Talk, Fischer Fixings sits down with Paul Ferguson from Royal Joinery to discuss his experiences, challenges, and poor mental health in construction

In this video, Paul talks about how he never intended to fall into joinery originally but got into the business due to family and circumstances.

Eventually he started his own company, which he generally runs on his own with the odd project involving subcontractors.


Paul discusses how work can be pressuring as well as isolating, as jobs can often be just him for weeks at a time, working on a project alone, and due to the nature of his work, he can often run late due to factors such as poor weather, or simply the fact that his clients may not be able to be left without a window or door that needs replacing.

He also discusses how this has affected him in the past, with feelings of guilt for “missing time” with his family. He also talks about factors outside of work, such as his wife being diagnosed as bipolar, and how this affects his day-to-day running of a business, as well as being a father, husband, and homeowner.

The work can often be isolating when working alone

This episode shows a different side from ep. 1 with Tom, who went into his profession with more of a traumatic story from the start.

Paul’s story is more focused on external factors and stressors from all areas of life, and how this came about. Paul talks about the importance of “owning and being proud” of your situation, which helps deal with stressful situations that can affect your mental health.

He speaks about how work can slow down on a day when his mental health is worse than usual, as whatever might be happening in his personal life will be playing on his mind. Interestingly, in the same vein as Tom in the previous video, Paul says that speaking to a stranger can be easier than speaking to, for example, an old friend, as it removes any self-censorship or qualms about speaking about certain topics.

His wife’s diagnosis is a strong theme in the interview and a perfect example of a stressor that is not within his control. Paul discusses how he felt about this when it first started coming up, and the process of him and his wife learning each other, dealing with each other, and working past each other’s quirks and issues. They now have a wonderful relationship where they can help and support each other through their individual bad days and enjoy their good days

Looking for support is a personal journey

Paul discusses his experiences searching for mental health support when he needs it, how his first stop would be the NHS mental health website, and how searching the internet would provide various resources which allowed him to define his own ways to work through difficulties.

As Paul is also self-employed, he has no HR or mental health department established. He, therefore, puts importance on small things, such as the need to keep on top of stress due to how work can affect your free time and vice versa.

Mates in Mind: Support for poor mental health in construction

With no dedicated HR department, outlets for sole traders to seek help are critical to tackling poor mental health in construction.

Mates in Mind is a charity that promotes awareness and tackling issues of poor mental health in the construction industry, and Fischer Fixings is working closely with the charity for the same goals by fundraising to provide helplines, webinars and HR support. These videos are part of their campaign to better the construction industry, and make it a safer workplace for all.

To support their mission of breaking down mental health stigma in our industry, please consider donating through the JustGiving page. https://tinyurl.com/mwwr2w9f

In the video, Paul encourages others to open up about their worries in the hope that it will help more people and realise that there is nothing to be ashamed of and that, in fact, others feel the same way too. Paul mentions calling a friend, family member, colleague, but free and easy-to-access resources can also be crucial in this process, whether via social media, webinars, leaflets, or phone lines.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, you’re not alone. Please reach out to ‪@matesinmind472 or other mental health services for support. Simply text “BeAMate” to 85258 and trained volunteers can help with issues including anxiety, stress, loneliness or depression and are available 24/7.

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