The RSH is looking for social landlords to take part in a data pilot

Social landlords
©Perawit Boonchu | iStock

The regulator for social housing (RSH) has invited small social landlords and providers to take part in a Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) data pilot

The RSH is looking for volunteers from a range of small providers, including local authorities and social landlords, to take part in the pilot. Small providers are defined as those who own fewer than 1,000 homes.

The purpose of the RSH is to promote a viable and efficient social housing sector that can deliver and maintain quality homes that meet a range of needs across the population.

The RSH enforces robust economic regulation for governance, financial viability and value for taxpayer money. The RSH also sets consumer standards and enforces punishments if these standards are not met.

Understanding the experience of small providers

The pilot aims to understand the experiences of small providers and social landlords with TSM. It also seeks to explore the potential advantages and obstacles associated with the Regional Support Hub undertaking the task of collecting TSM data from small providers and small social landlords.

The pilot will also test different approaches, evaluating their efficacy in ensuring proportionality of data collection by the RSH.

In April 2023, the RSH put in place TSMs requiring all social landlords to collect and report the results to their tenants. Landlords with 1,000 or more homes are also required to submit their results.

The RSH has promised to carry out a voluntary pilot with small providers to consider the possibility of collecting their TSM data, in response to consultation feedback. The pilots will underpin the regulator’s findings.

The RSH will continue to look for more volunteers

Small providers will need to submit their TSM data for 2023/24 to the regulator and provide initial feedback on their experience. The RSH will also ask volunteers to participate in interviews and focus groups during the process.

The RSH is also searching for more volunteers from a range of small providers, including local authorities, to join the pilot. Small providers are encouraged to register their interest via the regulator’s website.

“This is an important opportunity for small providers to tell us about their experience of collecting TSMs so far and discuss the potential options for submitting their data to us. We encourage all types of small providers to sign up so they can help inform our thinking,” said Will Perry, director of strategy at the RSH.

“All social landlords need to collect TSMs. They are a key pillar of new consumer regulation, which will help tenants hold their landlords to account,” he concluded.

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